- info@acelabo.com
- +1-450-693-0764
The new diagnostic laboratory of lignivorous molds using PCR at ACE Laboratoires Inc. provides an important technological breakthrough in the rapid and accurate identification of fungal samples. This service responds in particular to an increasing demand for identification of the Dry Rot, this fungus harmful for wooden constructions and structures. The method used also allows the identification of other fungal species harmful to the structure of buildings. In an effort to better respond to your requests, we seek to improve the scope of this process.
The field of molecular biology involves the analysis of the genetic material (DNA) of living organisms. Techniques linking biochemistry to microbiology allow the amplification of DNA molecules and their quantification, two very important areas of molecular biology. One of the most common practices in molecular biology is called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method allows to amplify the DNA molecules present in a sample.
The Dry Rots are a species of fungus that grows on almost-dry wood structures and in good condition, by an ability to carry water through its mycelium. The almost total absence of sporulation makes it a fungus difficult to identify by microscopy. However, the Dry Rots are very invasive and represents a considerable danger for buildings.
Unlike the Dry Rots, the Cellar Fungus is not very invasive. Delayed sporulation produces a brown, then black color. This fungus grows at ambient temperatures on permanently wet wood. Fortunately, Coniophora puteana is limited to infected wood and does not invade wood in good condition.
The Oak Polipore infects interior wooden structures and goes unnoticed until the appearance of red or black fructification organs. Mainly in humid places, this fungus loves heat. Thus, bathrooms and kitchens are Donkioporia expansa favorite places. Colonization occurs on low moisture surfaces and rot starts when moisture increases.
The main agents targeted by molecular biology are in fact molds that are harmful to buildings. Although, as all fungi, lignivorous species may cause type I hypersensitive reaction (rhinitis and asthma).
The laboratory of analysis specialized in molecular biology allows the rapid identification of fungal species. This analysis is recommended when fungal growth is observed and there is a strong possibility that it is Dry rot or one of the other common lignivorous fungus species.
You can bring your samples for analysis at the reception of ACE Laboratoires Inc. Samples should be stored in clean, hermetically sealed plastic bags kept in a cool place to ensure the best analytical conditions.
Accepted samples include: